LED Clock in Ruby
A few weeks ago I built a program to display an LED clock. Here’s the problem, and my solution.
Round Robin Problem in Lua
A while ago, I solved the round robin following programming challenge in Lua. Here’s the problem, and my solution.
Vim Buffer Problem
A few weeks back I tackled the following programming challenge from my colleague Josh Branchaud:
Vim Buffer
I open up a new Vim buffer and type all the numbers 1 to 10,000, separated by spaces. Then, my cat walks on the keyboard and somehow activates a substitution command that replaces all the ‘0’ digits (zeros) with spaces. If I now sum up all the numbers in the buffer, as delineated by spaces, what is the total?
Reflecting on Three Years of Programming
This month marks three years since I started programming; I’d like to take a minute and reflect on this milestone.
Ceramic Nation
Project announcement! Last night I built a Markov Chain-generated novel, titled Ceramic Nation.
The N + 1 Problem
Recently, I was thinking about the N + 1 problem. N + 1 is a performance issue in a web application, where a method call unleashes a torrent of database queries.
Learning to Program as a Career Change
A few years ago, I wrote my first computer program. Today, I am a full-time programmer. In this post, I’ll list the resources and ideas that helped me get started.
Code Club: Rack and Rails Server
This week in Code Club we explored Rack, the middleware of the Rails stack. Rack is newsworthy of late due to a change in ownership, prompting inevitable questions about the future. As Rails developers, we wanted to know what Rack really does.