Vim Nonrecursive Mappings
My first PR to a new Vim plugin was merged this week, check it out, adding non-recursive Vim mappings to vim-termbux.
Porting TIL from Rails to Phoenix: Initial Commits
Last week, I started a new project: porting Today I Learned from Ruby on Rails to Phoenix (Elixir).
Hamming Distance in Elixir
Today I solved the Exercism Hamming Distance problem in Elixir. Here’s my solution.
Exercism's Sum of Multiples in Elixir
Today I solved Exercism’s Sum of Multiples problem in Elixir. In this post, I’ll show my work solving this problem.
Run Length Encoding in Elixir
I’ve been working through the Elixir challenges on Yesterday’s assignment was to implement a Run Length encoder and decoder in Elixir. Here’s my implementation.
Learn to Test
What is a skill one could learn to set themselves apart from other entry-level programmers? Testing.
Why Elixir?
I’ve been learning and using Elixir lately, and loving it. More than once, I’ve been asked some version of the question: why are you learning Elixir? What makes this language unique? I thought I’d take a moment and try to distill my rationale.
Writing Elixir Sigils
Sigils are a mechanism for working with textual representations in Elixir. If
you’ve ever made an array of Strings in Ruby with %w()
, the API is similar.
A neat feature of sigils is that we can make custom variants, or override
existing Kernel variants. The latter is generally discouraged.
How and Why to Squash Your Pull Request
Many pull requests go through a cycle: programmer opens pull request, maintainer gives feedback, programmer makes changes, repeat until ready to merge, maintainer merges. Prior to the merge, the pull request can be messy, full of reverts, fixups, and WIP commits. In the end, those commits are noise. We can tell a better story by squashing the branch.
Recreating Elixir's Enum.sum
I’m learning Elixir, and today as an exercise, I was challenged to recreate Enum.sum
using recursion. Here’s
my solution.