How I Clean Up JavaScript Dependencies
Unused dependencies are bad: they increase the size of your project, slow down your processes, require upgrades, and send incorrect messages to fellow developers about what’s important. Make your project better by periodically auditing your dependencies, and removing those that are unused.
A Short Introduction to Test-Driven-Development (TDD)
I’ve practiced TDD (Test-Driven-Development) a lot and feel knowledgable about when it’s useful and when it isn’t. In this post, I’d like to summarize what I’ve learned.
Pangram in TypeScript
I’ve been doing Exercism’s TypeScript exercises, and wanted to share my pangram-checking utility.
JavaScript Equality
A few weeks ago, I built an app with React.js and create-react-app that I call
‘JavaScript Equality’. View deployment here. This application demonstrates the JavaScript value-comparison operators ==
and ===
. It’s inspired by the JavaScript Equality Table.
mgrim: Everything Updated All The Time
My current favorite command line alias is mgrim
, composed of four other aliases. Here’s what it is, and what it does.
Comprehensive Instructions
A user opened an issue in Tilex last week that I spent a significant amount of time thinking about and talking about (thanks JB) before responding to. Here’s the truncated request:
May I ask you to compile a step-by-step list to set up a running TIL instance?