Be a Better Technical Consultant by Saying "I Think That..."
An idea I find useful as an individual contributor is starting my consulting with this phrase: “I think that…”. The idea is to let your arguments stand on their own, rather than appealing to your experience or other authorities.
Bug Reports Are Gold
Me: Hey, I’m experiencing an issue with your software. Here’s a detailed bug report.
SAAS Engineer: What you’re describing isn’t possible.
Narrator: But it was possible.
This is a frustrating, unproductive snippet of a conversation I’ve had a few times in my career. What can we learn? Treat bug reports like gold.
How to Organize JavaScript Imports
The import
statements at the top of a JavaScript component file can be a
confusing, duplicative, churning mess. Is there a way to organize them that
makes sense and scales? In this post, I’d like to share the way I handle this detail.
Write Better Code by Knowing When Not To Refactor
When I review code, I sometimes request that refactoring changes be removed. Even when I think the changes are are objective improvements, and even when they support my personal preferences. My reasoning? Refactors are not free.
The Tutorial Anti-Pattern
Here’s a scenario: you’re applying for your first tech job. You’ve found a bunch of hands-on tutorials and you’re speeding through them. When you finish, you upload the code to Github and add a new line to the ‘Projects’ section of your resume. Maybe you even deploy the code as a production website. My advice: stop.
Consultancy Cycles
Working at a quality software development consultancy like Hashrocket early in your programming career could be a game-changing move.
What is the Sub Claim of a JSON Web Token?
Today I’d like to explain the sub
, or subject, registered claim of a JSON Web
Augmenting an Object With the Proxy Pattern
Let’s look at the proxy pattern in Ruby.
Do the Hard Things First
A concept that I admire is ‘Doing the Hard Thing First’ via Ben Orenstein. Ben described on the Art of Product Podcast Episode 50. Here’s my summary:
Choose the hard part of the problem, the part you’re unsure about, the part that success depends on, and solve that first!