How to Create a Timer or Polling in React with setInterval
Have you ever wanted to create a timer in a React app? This could be in support
of a UI timer or polling. In this post, I’ll explain how to create a timer
effect in a React application using hooks and setInterval
Given/When/Then Works Incredibly Well
When I am preparing development work, I write Gherkin-style stories, which follow the “Given/When/Then” format. I learned this technique at Hashrocket and have practiced it ever since. It’s incredibly effective. But why? In this post, I’ll try to answer that question.
Button, Link, or Neither? Three Principles for Clarity and Accessibility
Which HTML elements should we be giving a user to click? In this post, I’ll share some best practices for clickable elements.
All My Best Tips For Expertly Reviewing Your Own Code
Great developers review their own code often and effectively. In this post, I’ll share a checklist of all my best tips for maximizing this important practice.
Deliver a Great Standup Report as an Engineer
I’ve been lucky to have worked with some great engineers, and one thing that they tend to do exceptionally well is reporting about their work at meetings. Today I’d like to summarize what I think makes a great standup report.
How to Write a Resume for Transitioning to Programming
You have experience in another field. You want to be a programmer. You need a resume that helps you do that.
Solving Exercism's Resistor Color Trio in TypeScript
Today I completed the ‘Resistor Color Trio’ TypeScript exercise on Exercism. Here’s my solution.
Vim Scratchpad Part 2
Today, I’d like to dive deeper into a part of my practice: using a persisted text file for jotting things down. In this post, I’ll explain the ‘why’ behind this technique, and provide an updated version of it.
Buy the Best Hardware You Can
Some advice I offer people entering the programming profession is to buy the best hardware you can. You’re going to need it.
Solving Exercism's Resistor Color Duo in TypeScript
Today as a code kata I completed the ‘Resistor Color Duo’ TypeScript exercise on Exercism. Here’s my work.