You Can't Be Looking Up map
When I was learning to program, I was fortunate to pair with very experienced
engineers. One day while coding, I said: “I think we need to use Ruby’s map
method, but I’m not sure how that works. Let me look it up.”
Later, my pair offered some feedback: “You can’t be looking up map
. You need
to know how all of Ruby’s Enumerable methods work.”
"What Would Finishing This Today Look Like?"
When I don’t feel like I’m making sufficient progress at work, I have a favorite technique: asking “What would finishing this today look like?”
Absence Of Color Is Better Than the Wrong Color
A design principle that’s crept into my programming could be summarized as:
“Absence of color is better than the wrong color.”
Product Hack: Asking 'What's the Why?'
One of my favorite product hacks is asking: “What’s the why?”
Write Boring Code
Write a little bit of code, and you may come to an unsettling realization: there are multiple ways to do almost any programming task. How do we choose between several that work? I manage this uncertainty with a guideline: writing boring code. In this post, I’ll try to explain what boring means to me.
Take the Big Project
Something I’ve learned as an engineer: when presented with the option of working on a big project, or doing anything else, take the big project.
Thinking of Bugs in Classes
We spent the time writing tests, and yet, a bug survived. Should we just stop writing tests? No, but we should maybe write better tests, and think about them differently.
Why Great PRs Are Great: Pull Requests Templates
Have you ever seen a pull request that seems to completely explain itself? It’s a real artifact. I don’t know the project, yet I understand it. How can we get results like this on every pull request, from every developer on the team, every time?
Don't Ask for Advice; Ask for a Code Review
Here’s some advice about programming, that also isn’t advice: “Don’t ask for advice; ask for a code review.” In this post, I’d like to explore what I think this means.
From Booleans to Strings in Frontend State
When it comes to controlling frontend presentation, developers often rely on booleans. However, this approach can be limiting. In this post, I’ll explore the drawbacks of using booleans and introduce a more versatile alternative: plain old strings with type safety.